While I am not so patiently waiting for spring to arrive, I thought I would post some photos of the pond in our backyard. The ducks and geese are back hanging out, the geese are making quite a racket in the mornings, announcing their return. But what I'm really waiting for are the singing of the frogs. Usually around the end of March is when we start hearing them, and they get quite loud! My favorite thing to do on nice, warmer nights just as the sun is going down is sit outside in the backyard and listen to the frogs....it's my favorite sound! Then around the end of May, 1st of June, we can expect to see the snapping turtles come out, looking for a place to lay their eggs. In some ways, I feel pretty lucky to have this right outside my door!
Anyway, I don't have very many pictures of the pond itself, so I took some today, while it's still half frozen over. It's over its banks, some trees are under water, and we hope to clean it up some this spring, we have some trees down, (from being underwater too long) and a couple more that are probably close to going down. The first two photos were taken while I was standing in my living room. The second two, I went outside for.
The first below also shows our firepit, and a young oak tree we hope to dig out and move to another location this spring. I can hardly wait to mow the lawn...I love doing that....

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