We had a special visitor yesterday, Elise, a family member from Milwaukee who is working to earn a new Girl Scout patch by helping out on a farm. She could have gone to a farm closer to home, but she wanted to come help out on ours. She learned how to give Kissy a bath, fed the chickens for me, and did some feeding of treats for the minis, and fed Kissy after we put her away too. She seemed to have a good time, and I know Kissy enjoyed her pampering as well. Today's been busy getting our air conditoner fixed, which thank goodness it is...it's working on getting the house cooled down, the heat index outside is 100, so I'm thankful we got it in just in time! The past few days were bad enough! Anyway, I thought I'd share some photos of our farm helper for the day!
Then, after some hard work, a girl's gotta have a bit of fun, don't you think?

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