Say hi to Gracey! Well, it's looking like our central air system needs to be replaced....it's quite uncomfortable in the house, and I'm spending a lot of time in the basement, where it is a little bit cooler at least. But I spent some time outside last night just snapping some pics......I just don't have the room to share them all here, but those of you who know me well are friends of mine on Facebook, and see ALL of my photos on there....probably more than you care to see! I took pics of all of the minis, and I also took a pic of one of my basjoo bananas (I shared it here)....which are coming along nicely now that they're acclimated in their new spot in the ground. They got planted quite late this year because the weather just wasn't fit for them. Next winter the two basjoos will winter outside, however this winter my basement will be home to them, and my ensete maurelii banana, where hopefully they'll continue to grow a little bit for a head start for next year. They could get 8-10 feet tall eventually! The ensete will always have to come in for the winter.

Will need to bring my cannas in too. My persian shield looks AWESOME, and I'm sad that I'll have to let some of it die before winter. I'm going to bring some of it in the house to save for next year, and a friend of mine would like some of it, but it has multiplied so big, so fast, I just am not going to have room to keep it all in a pot this winter. My son and his grandfather made me a beautiful planter bench, I think that's where the persian shield will go next year, maybe that on one side, and my caladium on the other side. I have a tropical heart! I might try elephant ears next year!
I'm sad to see that tomorrow is August already...one more month of summer break for me, but I will like getting back to work and getting a paycheck again too! I've missed seeing the kids and coworkers on a daily basis. It has been such a hot July, so I hope we're given a break for August...which is usually pretty hot around here. I think my critters are pretty tired of the heat, and I know I am too!
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