One thing Kissy and I have going for us are the endless thoughts and prayers from many people in my life. I am blessed with some truly wonderful friends, they are here for both of us, through good times and bad, and will continue to be. And when that time comes where I have to say goodbye, any one of them will be by my side if I ask them to. Most of them
are not horse people, but Kissy has touched their hearts, and they care for her nearly as much as I do. Perhaps now is a good time for me to say how truly honored I am to have these people in my life, to know I always have them to lean on, they always care and understand, on my good days and my bad. What's the saying? They know me, and they love me anyway! =) You folks know who you are. I even have one who lives across the country, but is just as close to me as if we lived across the street. So, YOU know who you are too, you'd better not feel left out! I'm truly blessed. And it's during up and down times like this....that one truly realizes. Losing a horse is hard. But I've had this girl over half of my life. I don't remember much of my life before she was in it.... 25 years...that's a long time. And when she's gone, it will take a long time to heal from that I'm sure. I've been preparing myself...or trying to...just in case. But, I'm hoping, if things continue to go as they are, that she'll be here with me next year...that she'll see another birthday....as we'll give these steroid shots a try. Just thought I'd update. I know some people have been asking about her. Well, I have a lot of people ask about her....I don't mind, it tells me you care. And I appreciate it very much.

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