It's already the middle of July....the time is flying, and I don't like it. I don't like winter, and it will be here again before we know it. Kissy is still holding her own, we spent the spring and first part of summer trying some things, medications and supplements, for her, but didn't seem to help. But she's not doing too badly right now, so I'm just taking things one day, one week at a time.
Last week my son and I took two of our critters into a local nursing home to visit the residents. Magic, a miniature horse, and Kochia, a miniature donkey. Despite the heat, they both did quite well, and the residents enjoyed their visit. I'd love to do it again sometime. My plan

when I got Magic was to do something like this with him...he's the one we take Trick-or-Treating every year. Kochia is WONDERFUL! In fact, in April, on Palm Sunday, she was invited to a local church to lead the congregation to the church in their annual "Donkey Walk." She was wonderful, and the kids loved the opportunity to take turns leading her down the city street themselves. We've already been invited back for next year. If it wasn't tradition to take Magic trick or treating, I had thought it would be so fun, one year, to take Kochia, who can be "Donkey," with I or someone else in a Shrek costume. That would be great.... but, Magic has to go out again this year, as we have some modifications to his most awesome "headless horseman" costume from last year to do.

Working for the school district, I am off for the summer, first day of school is September 1st. We finished our deck recently, and I've been working this spring and summer on, well, gardening I guess you could say....I've got a bit of a planting bug, and have been adding to ALL of the stuff I planted last year. Only this year, I went with a bit more of a tropical flair, with two different kinds of banana trees, some persian shield, caladium, dracena, and cannas. I also planted another raspberry bush...still would love more, and some strawberries this year. And tomatoes for my son. Neither my husband or I like tomatoes...so they're all his! Spireas around the deck...some lilies, ice plants, clematis....but this year's list is much smaller than last year's!
Anyway, I will add photos to this post of our visit to the nursing home, as well as Kochia's Donkey walk once I get a chance. I really need to do a better job at updating this blog....should there be anything to update! Of course it's also haying season....our son has even been helping out!
I'll also throw in a pic of some turkeys who visited our back yard recently. We also had 24 Canadian Geese parade through our back yard, of various ages, that same week. It was amazing to see them all!
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