Oh boy did we have a heat wave this week! Highs in the upper 90's with heat index up to 115 one day. It's cooler today, and the animals managed ok. I was out spraying with the hose, I even sprayed the chickens, who were panting, and would give them a little puddle in one of their favorite dusting spots in their outdoor pen, so they'd have some nice cold water to walk through. I opened up the stalls inside the barn so the big horses could actually come into the stalls from their lean to, and kept the walk door open, so there was a breeze in there. My older girl, Kissy, was the one I really kept an eye on, with her being older....and I noticed on the hottest day, she was quite uncomfortable and in pain, limping on her bad leg...I imagine the heat wasn't helping her arthritis. Anyway, I'll share some photos of some of our hooved creatures cooling off this past week!
Below, Magic getting a full-out bath...and enjoying an "I'll-show-her" moment AFTER the bath!

By the way...here's a picture of that deck we put up. We had company visit us the second weekend in July, and we vowed to have it done by then...and it was! All three of us put our blood, sweat and tears into it to get it done. It's not a huge deck, but it works for what we need it for...large enough for the table and chairs......and nice to take our big telescope out at night to do some snooping in the sky...

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