
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Spring is here!

Been awhile since I posted any updates on here...thought I'd do so now. It's the middle of April. Almost tax day....(yes, I was late in getting my taxes done this year....a week before the deadline!) We have nothing but green grass, no mud, trees are awake, and my hostas are coming up like crazy. My strawberries are as well. I've already planted some more raspberries, and more horsetail near the pond. My frogs have been singing me to sleep since mid-March. With the nice weather, it's killing me not to go out and plant yet....but the nights are still too cold for my tropicals (giant colocasia, bananas (basjoo and ensete maurelii), a few varieties of canna, and a young brugmansia tree). So until the time comes, I still tend to them, actively growing, in the basement.

The animals here all faired the winter well for the most part. Our fjord filly is doing well, she's beautiful, so sweet, but loves to be dirty. Like me when I was young....ha ha. On April 1st, Palm Sunday, one of our donkeys, Kochia, participated in the annual Donkey Walk at a church here in town. This was her second year as "the donkey," and everyone loves her. One of the members of the church made an amazing video of the walk, I'd like to ask him if I can post it here. 27 year old Arabian mare, if I have the strength to follow through, has had her last steroid injection about three weeks ago. She was miserable prior, and is now moving around well. Although her knee has increased in size over the winter, and her leg continues to bow out more. She was treated for a skin infection as well, she has several spots, mostly on one side, where she had open sores, and now that it's been taken care of, she is missing a lot of hair in those spots.

I myself have been seeing a physical therapist since November, who is just awesome, and let me take home a handheld infra-red light machine to try on her knee. I can't say whether it helped or not.... since she has improved greatly from her would have been interesting to try it on her prior to her last injection.

I am not completely at peace with my decision yet, however I have decided that I am going to need to say goodbye to my dear friend of 26 years this summer. I want her to be comfortable, and these shots just are not lasting her near long enough. Some days she's happy, enjoying life, although she can only go as fast as a walk. Other days, I see her laying down a lot more (which was the cause of her skin infection), and she turns away from me if I talk to her or try to pet her beautiful face. That speaks a lot to me. My girl has never turned away from me before. I love her enough to let her go with as much dignity as she can. It is time to let her be free of her aching body, and gallop across the rainbow bridge. Am I ok? No, not yet. But I knew it was coming...and I know if I don't let her go, I'm being selfish. Some days she looks like she has a few years ahead of her yet. Other days, to see her would cause some to question why I continue to make her live. That girl has been by my side for 26 years. I barely remember life without her in it. She has stood by my side all those years, and was always there when I needed her. I think we've come to a place where she needs me to give her the ultimate gift. I love her with all my heart. I am preparing to say goodbye to her this summer. Before she gets real bad yet again. It's just been a roller coaster for both of us the past year and a half or so. It's time to get off that ride.