
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Fjord fun!

I am absolutely LOVING our new fjord filly. She's super sweet, smart, quiet, and is quite the talker. She's whinnying at me constantly. I've read a lot of things about the breed, and she is no exception. After meeting Daffney, you can't help but fall in love with the breed! I swear she was born spook-free! I took several photos of her yesterday, and will add some here. I need to get a page for her on our website pretty's just been a little busy! On another note, I took our boarder horse, Natage to his new boarding facility yesterday. It just wasn't working out here...he needs a more quiet horse to be with. At 30, with one eye, he's very timid. I tried him with Kissy too...which is when he decided NOT to be timid. He finally had a horse he could pick on, and after a couple hours, he did. He's such a nice horse, and after seeing his new buddy Reggie and him together yesterday, I think it will work out for him there. He couldn't be at a nicer place than he is! And Daffey has been here two weeks now, and I'm falling in love with her more everyday. I am SO lucky to have her!'s a few pics of our fjord, Daffey.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

New addition!!

So, we came home with a new filly today. I've always liked Norwegian Fjord horses....and I saw an ad that I just couldn't pass up! I went to see her today, and she was even better in person! So we now have a 6 month old Fjord filly in our barn! Her registered name is Kjor Doreen's Daffney, but they called her Daffy...and, well, she knows the name. She's a sweetheart, and oh so cute! Someday, I'm hoping she'll make a wonderful riding and driving horse. It was raining all day, so she's wet in the pics!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


So, the horses' blankets are out from storage (and have already been used!), the water tank heaters are installed and running, but as I write this, the chickens are still waiting for their heated pail. But they're in a nice, insulated coop, and the water isn't quite freezing at night yet. The girls are disappointing their egg consumers...we have some egg customers, and they are going to have to pass on our eggs for winter. Some people put lights on to fake them into having longer days...the way I figure it, they work pretty hard producing those eggs, and they can have a break! I like to let nature take its course. So....I'm only picking up one, maybe two, eggs a day from 9 hens!

My banana trees have all been dug up and are now in the house (potted, but hacked off, I'm going to let them start growing again thru winter), my cannas are dug up till next year...and it's just all stuff I don't want to think about. I want summer back! I guess it's time to get me a winter hobby....I have a sleigh/cutter in my basement, and a belly strap of sleighbells in the garage, maybe it's time I train a horse to use it?

So....for the updates. Blue hates sharing her space with Natage (the one-eyed bandit....), but I kinda think that's what ya get when you put a younger horse in with a 30 year old timid one. She's not had a problem with others... but they're doing ok. She's not hurting him or anything.... Kissy....well, it's been two months since her steriod shots...seems like longer, but that's it. She's doing some limping here and there again, and I've noticed her attitude has changed a little. I hope this isn't what our winter is going to be like. I want her to be pain free. So she has her 10x20' stall that she can come into, rubber matted, and deeply I know if she's feeling a little under the weather, she's not a nice place to sleep. She's getting pain medication once a day, her weight is good...I'm just keeping an eye on her pain and attitude. The vet hoped she'd get at least three months on these shots, and I do too, because they're quite pricey...actually more than I can realistically do if it's going to be quite a bit more often than that.

Magic, one of our minis, had his fun for Halloween again this year, and his picture even made it into our local newspaper. His headless horseman costume had NO wardrobe malfunctions this time around, and he had quite a crowd meet us to join him. I'm so has become a tradition to take Magic every year, a tradition I'd like to continue, but at the same time, I'd really like to give my Shrek idea a try.... dress up as shrek, and take on of my mini donkeys instead. Quite a decision!

Soon time for Christmas decorating...and all eight of our barn critters have their own stocking with their name on it...they'll be hung in the stalls....Deck the stalls!

Friday, September 23, 2011


Well, a couple of things going on here... Natage is here...such a sweet boy that he is. Blue likes to throw her weight around, just lets him know she rules the roost. She only talks to him with her eyes and ears, thank goodness, and it gets the point across. He's been here about three weeks now, and I think things will go ok.

Kissy had steroid shots in her bad knee on September 12th. For the first few days, she was in a great deal of pain, but I'm seeing a great improvement now....she's moving, what appears to be, pain free. I've yet to see any limping. The true test will be when the cold weather comes.... I am still giving her pain medication just as a precaution, but only once a day...

She even gave a ride to a little girl last night...and they both had a blast! By the time they were done, this little 5 year old knew how to direct her by herself, just a halter and lead saddle (I wouldn't put the extra weight on, and this girl weighs like nothing!). Kissy tells me if it's not ok. And she was really enjoying herself! They both were. I should have taken some photos...

Anyway, the days are getting shorter....but the most beautiful time of year is coming upon us. And a very fun time (Halloween) for me, our son, and one of our little mini horses. So starting to gear up for that. Our little horse's "costume" needs some modifications!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Summer! Don't go! I've been in a bit of a mood this week. I work for the school district, and I love my job! However, school starts this week, and that means summer, basically, is over. No more lazy days at more going out on a whim and doing something fun, no more late nights enjoying the nighttime sounds...reality has hit. Anyone who knows me knows I am NOT a fan of winter. In fact, the complete opposite. I despise winter! I've spent all summer watching things grow, mowing my lawn (which I love to do) eventually watch it die and be covered in this white stuff. Ugh. Eventually we will be bracing ourselves for another long, cold winter, filled with tank heaters, horse blankets and high heating costs....

But, before winter hits, we do have one of the prettiest times of year, I do love fall for its colors. I have a hard time enjoying fall because of what comes after it, but I love the changing leaves, and especially the smell of fall. And, I am a big fan of Halloween! I have a lot of fond Halloween in particular involved a friend of mine and I, being asked to "spook" a neighbor's daughter who was having a Halloween sleepover in their old barn. So, at midnight, with us dressed up in ghoulish costumes, we mounted our horses and set off across the fields in the dark to try to scare the wits out of these girls who were telling ghost stories in this old barn. It worked! Now, nearly every year, Halloween is limited to taking my son trick-or-treating...but I've learned to make more fun out of it, both for me and for all the neighborhood kids who see us, and I take Magic, our little black miniature horse. The first year he pulled his cart. He wore a cape and devil horns for the occasion....and did the following year as well. Last year, we went all out, and he wore his little saddle, and carried The Headless Horseman. It was AWESOME! So much so, that we're doing it again this year. It needs some modifications, some of the frame for the horseman came apart under the movement of the horse, so we'll beef it up this year. This headless horseman was complete, carrying a lit up pumpkin! We even used one of my son's little squishy balls where the neck was, that flashed was perfect! I have photos...I'll share here. So, watch out for Magic as "Gunpowder," the Headless Horseman's horse, again for Halloween this year! It will keep me sane the next couple of months.....but after Halloween, I will be sulking until April! =)

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Head in the clouds...

And another hobby....staring through the telescope. Last night, from midnight till 1am, I was outside with the telescope, looking at Jupiter. Of course, it looks MUCH better through the telescope than it does in this pic...since this pic consisted of me taking my regular camera, pointing it through the eyepiece of the telescope, and taking a photo. You can still tell what you're looking at, but through the telescope, the stripes on the planet were so perfect, so vivid, nothing like the blurred view in this pic! Ok....just a glimpse into my world. Back to the farm blog! I am just enjoying some late nights while I has been a nice, relaxing summer. But next week, we go back to school and work. Summer is coming to an end for us... :(


Ok, so I thought I'd introduce you to another hobby of mine...not related to the critters at all... my heart is in the tropics. I am obsessed with palm trees and such....I love tropical plants! I actually looked up trying to grow palms here, which of course isn't typically done in our zone 5 climate, some do, but it takes a lot of prepping for winter, something I'm just not ready for yet. So, I started looking around at different plants I thought I'd like, and of course, every one I liked was not suitable for our zone. Again, I have a tropical heart. Well, I found a way around it! I found something that looks tropical, like the palm trees, but is easier for me to care for in the wintertime, yes, they need care...but not as much as the palm trees in WI would...banana trees! I bought me a couple of small, fast growing banana trees...and after an acclimation process, they've really taken off! I do have to water them daily, and fertilize them weekly, but it's paying musa basjoos are producing pups (baby banana trees, suckers, if you will). My larger, fuller of the two has four pups (as of today, one just popped up today!), and the other one has one. I'm going to leave them on the mother corm till plan is, since the mother plants themselves are young yet, to dig them up and bring them inside for this winter... but after this winter, they'll winter outside with some care. I plan to plant them around my deck next year...if separation of the pups goes ok. I have an ensete maurelii out there now, my third banana purchase this year. Ensete maurelii is thicker, beefier than the basjoo, the leaves stay more upright typically, and the leaves are red, with some dark green in there. It's a beautiful tree...mine's quite young yet, so not AS red as it will be, but it's certainly red enough to be pretty, but it's quite small yet. So...I've got a taste for things that aren't supposed to grow here....I have cannas (digging them up and bringing the tubers inside for winter), coleus, persian shield and my bananas for now.....I think I've shared some pics on here...I may have. Anyway.....I'll get a pic of one of the basjoos here to post. The maurelii is pretty small right now, about two feet tall, but it's spitting out new leaves constantly, as you can see in the pic, there's one ready to unroll.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Blue heron

Every year we have a nesting pair of blue herons that spend their summers here. It's quite a treat. Why they choose our pond, I don't know, but I'm thankful, and every year, I watch for their return. Just last weekend, a friend of mine, who had spent the night here so we could catch up on our lives, and I were sitting out on the deck with coffee on Sunday morning and watched them flying around, they flew up to the closest tall tree to us, and one of them perched up there, as if to let us see the beauty of that beautiful large bird. He only stayed a moment, but long enough for us to catch a glimse before he was gone. They are very shy birds. I can only get a photo from inside the house. Whenever I try to get a closer look outside, they fly away. But I have seen a young heron flying about, so I know they have their babies here. Anyway, I snapped a picture of one yesterday, and thought I'd share it here. While I was looking through my photos, I thought I'd put a picture on here of a huge flock of canadian geese that walked purposely through the yard this summer too. I'm glad I happened to look out when I did...I have no idea where they came from or what they were doing, they were walking with a purpose, and I counted, there were 24 of them. Adults, and young ones of various ages. Some obviously not old enough to fly, which is why they were all walking I'm sure. Amazing to see TWENTY FOUR of these birds all walking together, in the same direction, in a line like they were!

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Well, Natage is coming back. He is a super sweet, 27 year old Arab gelding. His farm is for sale, and he's going to need to find a place to live. He's owned by a friend of mine, he's a pasture pet only, she doesn't ride, but pampered, and one of the sweetest gentlemen I know. He came here last year, but because of the owner's constrictions, and Natage's eye surgery, it was late, and winter came in like a bear during that time. I tried him with Blue, but it simply didn't work out. I was skeptical, with his age, the fact that he's been alone so long, and having only very recently lost an eye last year before he came here, I was afraid he'd feel too vulnerable being with a younger, bigger horse, in new surroundings, etc, and coming into winter. It was right after his eye removal, and coming into winter, and the timing was bad, but it ended the way I kind of figured it would.

(even though their ages match up, putting him in with Kissy is NOT an option, she is terrified of every horse her size....she's breakable and she knows it!)

Blue wasn't mean to Natage, however she did let him know she wanted to be on top in the herd. He wouldn't go into the shelter...he was feeling "whooped." that he's gone a year with one eye, and it's a little earlier than last year, we're going to try it again. Hoping this time will work. If the old boy doesn't make it here, I believe he will be put down. He's in amazing shape yet....unlike my girl, who at a year younger, is barely able to walk comfortably some days. If the time comes I have to say goodbye to my Kissy, Natage would be a perfect companion for Blue, as she will notice Kissy's absence, and she turns her nose up at the minis....she wouldn't find them suitable as companions for someone like herself.

As far as Kissy goes....she has her good days and not-so-good, but we had a good day last week, and she and I went for a nice walk together. She about ripped my arm off, so I knew she was feeling well! She enjoys getting out...and it's her version of "trail riding," although she certainly can't be ridden anymore. I still like to get her out when her arthritis will allow her to. I took some nice photos of her, and we enjoyed the time together. But, today, she's hobbling around...and my last straw are those steriod shots....I'd like to try it before winter hits...if she gets no relief from that, or not enough, anyway, I think it would be inhumane of me, as her caretaker, to make her hobble around through winter...knowing the cold weather is even harder on her. So.... we shall see. I've included a photo I took of her on our walk last week!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Special helper!

We had a special visitor yesterday, Elise, a family member from Milwaukee who is working to earn a new Girl Scout patch by helping out on a farm. She could have gone to a farm closer to home, but she wanted to come help out on ours. She learned how to give Kissy a bath, fed the chickens for me, and did some feeding of treats for the minis, and fed Kissy after we put her away too. She seemed to have a good time, and I know Kissy enjoyed her pampering as well. Today's been busy getting our air conditoner fixed, which thank goodness it's working on getting the house cooled down, the heat index outside is 100, so I'm thankful we got it in just in time! The past few days were bad enough! Anyway, I thought I'd share some photos of our farm helper for the day!

Then, after some hard work, a girl's gotta have a bit of fun, don't you think?

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Just stuff...

Say hi to Gracey! Well, it's looking like our central air system needs to be's quite uncomfortable in the house, and I'm spending a lot of time in the basement, where it is a little bit cooler at least. But I spent some time outside last night just snapping some pics......I just don't have the room to share them all here, but those of you who know me well are friends of mine on Facebook, and see ALL of my photos on there....probably more than you care to see! I took pics of all of the minis, and I also took a pic of one of my basjoo bananas (I shared it here)....which are coming along nicely now that they're acclimated in their new spot in the ground. They got planted quite late this year because the weather just wasn't fit for them. Next winter the two basjoos will winter outside, however this winter my basement will be home to them, and my ensete maurelii banana, where hopefully they'll continue to grow a little bit for a head start for next year. They could get 8-10 feet tall eventually! The ensete will always have to come in for the winter. Will need to bring my cannas in too. My persian shield looks AWESOME, and I'm sad that I'll have to let some of it die before winter. I'm going to bring some of it in the house to save for next year, and a friend of mine would like some of it, but it has multiplied so big, so fast, I just am not going to have room to keep it all in a pot this winter. My son and his grandfather made me a beautiful planter bench, I think that's where the persian shield will go next year, maybe that on one side, and my caladium on the other side. I have a tropical heart! I might try elephant ears next year!

I'm sad to see that tomorrow is August more month of summer break for me, but I will like getting back to work and getting a paycheck again too! I've missed seeing the kids and coworkers on a daily basis. It has been such a hot July, so I hope we're given a break for August...which is usually pretty hot around here. I think my critters are pretty tired of the heat, and I know I am too!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Knocking on wood is a necessity....'s been a pretty uneventful week with my broken toe...but it is feeling well enough to walk on now, as long as it's well supported. Kissy, however, has begun limping again. She's had such a great 6 weeks or so....and now a few days of limping and soreness. So she's back to bute twice a day, and me wondering what the future will hold. This roller coaster is so tough. I believe I'll spend my free time the next few days researching those steroid shots, and if I need to try one earlier than winter, I will, just to see if it works for her. That way, if by chance I do need to say goodbye to her, I can do so before winter hits. I don't like to think that way...but I've BEEN thinking that way for the last 5 months or so, preparing myself, just in case.

I have also thought about Blue, our other "big" horse, who's very bonded with Kissy...and what she would do with Kissy gone. I know. She'd freak, for awhile. But, I have a friend's horse coming over in August...hoping he will get along with Blue (it's not Blue I'm worried about, it's his personality, really). If things eventually work out, and we need to let Kissy go, it will work out the best all around. She'll have a safe place to keep her horse, and Blue will have a buddy. She doesn't consider the minis her buddies. She turns her nose at them. Eventually I would like to buy another horse, not to replace Kissy, but a horse I've wanted for a few years now, but I'm not ready for that right now. And, I need to see Kissy off to her next good place first, whenever that happens. I included a pic of her bad knee, where you can see the lump on it, and one of her x-ray photos, where you can see the lump on the x-ray, and the degeneration of the joint inside.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Thinking about Kissy...

Well, considering I believe I broke my toe yesterday, and it has turned every shade of purple imagineable, I've had little to do today but sit around....and I've been thinking about my girl. We had a very bad spring. At that point, I didn't think she would make it till summer. I prayed that she could hold out till summer so I wouldn't have to put her down before I was off work for the summer, I couldn't fathom having to deal with that and working too. Not my partner of 25 years. Well, she improved, not by anything I gave her, I tried a number of things, both supplements and prescriptions, but eventually I think it was the weather that helped her improve. And for the most part, she's had a pretty good summer. I'm not sure if I'm completely at peace with this decision yet, circumstances unknown to us yet may lead me to change my mind down the road, however at this time I'm thinking my plan is to try steriod injections in her knee to help her through the winter...and see if that helps. That is one thing we have not yet tried, and I know little about them. The vet has told me if they help her, they probably won't help her for more than 2-4 it may take a couple of shots to get her through the winter if it does help...but I am willing to try. It is hard for me to say goodbye, but I know in my heart I will do what's best for her if she is suffering endlessly.

One thing Kissy and I have going for us are the endless thoughts and prayers from many people in my life. I am blessed with some truly wonderful friends, they are here for both of us, through good times and bad, and will continue to be. And when that time comes where I have to say goodbye, any one of them will be by my side if I ask them to. Most of them are not horse people, but Kissy has touched their hearts, and they care for her nearly as much as I do. Perhaps now is a good time for me to say how truly honored I am to have these people in my life, to know I always have them to lean on, they always care and understand, on my good days and my bad. What's the saying? They know me, and they love me anyway! =) You folks know who you are. I even have one who lives across the country, but is just as close to me as if we lived across the street. So, YOU know who you are too, you'd better not feel left out! I'm truly blessed. And it's during up and down times like this....that one truly realizes. Losing a horse is hard. But I've had this girl over half of my life. I don't remember much of my life before she was in it.... 25 years...that's a long time. And when she's gone, it will take a long time to heal from that I'm sure. I've been preparing myself...or trying to...just in case. But, I'm hoping, if things continue to go as they are, that she'll be here with me next year...that she'll see another we'll give these steroid shots a try. Just thought I'd update. I know some people have been asking about her. Well, I have a lot of people ask about her....I don't mind, it tells me you care. And I appreciate it very much.

Saturday, July 23, 2011


We've had our share of visitors this summer, and our latest was Dawn and her family from Green Bay. Dawn was my sidekick when we were younger, middle school through highschool, and beyond that. We were inseparable, and both shared our love of horses and all animals, we both just had a lot in common. But, as childhood turns to adulthood, life gets in the way, and eventually her life had her moving away, and we don't get to see each other very often...but when we do, it's as if we were never apart!

Kissy has had some tough times this year, and Dawn wanted to come see her before she's no longer with us....whenever that will be, and she and her family showed up yesterday. I have pretty much known Dawn since Kissy entered my life 25 years ago! She now has three beautiful kids, who like Kissy too.... I'll share a couple photos...above, Kissy and Dawn's oldest, Brittany, and below, Dawn, and Kissy.

Friday, July 22, 2011


Below, Kissy, during a hosing off, and Blue, feeling good right after!

Oh boy did we have a heat wave this week! Highs in the upper 90's with heat index up to 115 one day. It's cooler today, and the animals managed ok. I was out spraying with the hose, I even sprayed the chickens, who were panting, and would give them a little puddle in one of their favorite dusting spots in their outdoor pen, so they'd have some nice cold water to walk through. I opened up the stalls inside the barn so the big horses could actually come into the stalls from their lean to, and kept the walk door open, so there was a breeze in there. My older girl, Kissy, was the one I really kept an eye on, with her being older....and I noticed on the hottest day, she was quite uncomfortable and in pain, limping on her bad leg...I imagine the heat wasn't helping her arthritis. Anyway, I'll share some photos of some of our hooved creatures cooling off this past week!

Below, Magic getting a full-out bath...and enjoying an "I'll-show-her" moment AFTER the bath!

By the's a picture of that deck we put up. We had company visit us the second weekend in July, and we vowed to have it done by then...and it was! All three of us put our blood, sweat and tears into it to get it done. It's not a huge deck, but it works for what we need it for...large enough for the table and chairs......and nice to take our big telescope out at night to do some snooping in the sky...

Thursday, July 14, 2011


It's already the middle of July....the time is flying, and I don't like it. I don't like winter, and it will be here again before we know it. Kissy is still holding her own, we spent the spring and first part of summer trying some things, medications and supplements, for her, but didn't seem to help. But she's not doing too badly right now, so I'm just taking things one day, one week at a time.

Last week my son and I took two of our critters into a local nursing home to visit the residents. Magic, a miniature horse, and Kochia, a miniature donkey. Despite the heat, they both did quite well, and the residents enjoyed their visit. I'd love to do it again sometime. My plan when I got Magic was to do something like this with him...he's the one we take Trick-or-Treating every year. Kochia is WONDERFUL! In fact, in April, on Palm Sunday, she was invited to a local church to lead the congregation to the church in their annual "Donkey Walk." She was wonderful, and the kids loved the opportunity to take turns leading her down the city street themselves. We've already been invited back for next year. If it wasn't tradition to take Magic trick or treating, I had thought it would be so fun, one year, to take Kochia, who can be "Donkey," with I or someone else in a Shrek costume. That would be great.... but, Magic has to go out again this year, as we have some modifications to his most awesome "headless horseman" costume from last year to do.
Working for the school district, I am off for the summer, first day of school is September 1st. We finished our deck recently, and I've been working this spring and summer on, well, gardening I guess you could say....I've got a bit of a planting bug, and have been adding to ALL of the stuff I planted last year. Only this year, I went with a bit more of a tropical flair, with two different kinds of banana trees, some persian shield, caladium, dracena, and cannas. I also planted another raspberry bush...still would love more, and some strawberries this year. And tomatoes for my son. Neither my husband or I like they're all his! Spireas around the deck...some lilies, ice plants, clematis....but this year's list is much smaller than last year's!

Anyway, I will add photos to this post of our visit to the nursing home, as well as Kochia's Donkey walk once I get a chance. I really need to do a better job at updating this blog....should there be anything to update! Of course it's also haying season....our son has even been helping out!
I'll also throw in a pic of some turkeys who visited our back yard recently. We also had 24 Canadian Geese parade through our back yard, of various ages, that same week. It was amazing to see them all!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Spring, 2011

My favorite time of year! I am now enjoying the sound of the frogs over the pond, and now watching everything pop out of the ground that I worked so hard planting last year. I'm truly enjoying it! I've picked up some more, including a couple of special trees shipped to me from California, that I'm looking forward to getting in the ground soon, the weather just still gets a little temperamental at times...and I don't want to lose these two! I haven't talked much about them, I'm afraid I'll jinx my experiment...but they are pretty special to me! This week I intend to plant some canna bulbs along the house......trying something else new, and if all goes well, I'll dig up the rhizomes in the fall to save for next year. I'm trying caladiums this year too. Just planted some phlox within one of our rock walls...see how that takes off....

A woman I work with is the wife of a minister at a local church, and I was asked if I would bring in one of our donkeys for their annual "Donkey Walk" on Palm Sunday. Just leading the congregation through the city streets up to the church for their service. It was a great experience, and Kochia was wonderful! Some of the kids got to take turns leading her, and we've been asked to join them again next year. Kochia even sported a palm frond on the top of her was quite cute.

Most of the animals are doing very well. The chickens provide us with eggs every day, and are happy in their environment, the minis are all doing well, as is Blue.... Kissy, my 26 year old Arabian mare, whom I got when she was a year old, is not having an easy time of things lately, but I'm trying to help her out. Her arthritis, at times, gets the best of her, and I'm afraid this may have been the last winter she'll see. Breaks my heart, after having her for two and a half decades, but I owe it to her not to make her suffer...and if there comes a time where that's all she does, I'll help her find her way. She has a very badly arthritic knee, among other legs of course, but the knee is the worst of it...and we have been working with our vet trying different things to help her out. We'll see what happens, but at this point, I am just taking things one day at a time. One day....and spending a lot of time with her.

We've had a TON of great wildlife sightings here this spring....lots of deer, some turtles, turkeys, and of course the woodchucks have already made us aware of their presence. I'll add a pic of a doe and her fawn, or the fawn at least, who came to visit us on a few occasions. I took many pics, completely undetected, from the house! We've also had a doe that continued to visit our back yard for awhile, RIGHT in the backyard, I could tell it was the same one as she had quite a large sore that was healing on her right leg...she was close enough I could see it clearly.

So spring brings the vaccinations for four horses and three donkeys, and next weekend will be our spring clean-up weekend, haul out the composted manure pile......etc etc. I'm happy to be back mowing the lawn again! I am looking forward to a summer full of beautiful plants, relaxing times with great friends and family, and if all goes well, finishing the deck we started!

So, that's all for now...I'll try to update a little more often, but you know how things go...and it won't be long at all and we'll be cutting and baling hay, planting pumpkins, etc etc. I did, very recently, update our website,