
Sunday, June 29, 2008


Again, rain is halting our chicken coop construction for today (I swear it's cursed!), but I have been out taking photos the past couple days, and will share some here. Three of our horses, Merlin, our grullo miniature horse, Jag, our red dun Quarter horse, and Blue, our grulla Quarter horse.

Monday, June 23, 2008

More progress...

And again, more rain to contend with, so didn't get as much done as we'd hoped....

Friday, June 20, 2008

Making progress!

On Father's Day, my son, my husband and I made a lot of progress on the chicken coop. It has walls and windows now! No roof yet....but tomorrow will bring more work on it. Here is the progress so far!

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Tornadoes on Sunday....tornadoes today. Keeping us on our toes. Lots of rain, and a tornado a quarter mile down the road from us this evening. Scary stuff! Stay safe!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Good news!!

I'm just going to bypass the boring details, but NOW we DON'T need a zoning permit for the chicken coop we have been planning to house our chickens we will continue construction on it! I'm trying to be CAUTIOUSLY excited! We've already got it started, it is 8'x12', but it will contain a storage area not accessible to the chickens.

I also have the most beautiful Tamukeyama Japanese Maple Tree (laceleaf) I received for my birthday today, eagerly waiting to be planted somewhere. I've always wanted one of these, and am eager to find a very special place to plant it!

Till next time!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Vet visits....

Whew.... now all of the vet visits are done (until someone gets hurt, sick, etc etc etc KNOCK ON WOOD)...... until fall when Kissy's teeth are checked again....... Ick, I don't know if I mentioned, our oldest cat, actually has cancer (lymphoma) they think, so he could end up needing to go in whenever the need arises.....but this series of back and forth to the vet (or calling the vet out here) is finally done! Now time to line up the farrier again.......

Nothing new.......still working on plans for the chicken ideas yet......keep going back and forth...... but that's towards the top of my "to-do" list is to make a plan for those chickens...and get them out of the barn and into a bigger space!

School's almost out for I'll have a little helper at my side!

Till next time....