
Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Vet visits....

Whew.... now all of the vet visits are done (until someone gets hurt, sick, etc etc etc KNOCK ON WOOD)...... until fall when Kissy's teeth are checked again....... Ick, I don't know if I mentioned, our oldest cat, actually has cancer (lymphoma) they think, so he could end up needing to go in whenever the need arises.....but this series of back and forth to the vet (or calling the vet out here) is finally done! Now time to line up the farrier again.......

Nothing new.......still working on plans for the chicken ideas yet......keep going back and forth...... but that's towards the top of my "to-do" list is to make a plan for those chickens...and get them out of the barn and into a bigger space!

School's almost out for I'll have a little helper at my side!

Till next time....