Taz is the cat all of our company loves. He is a beautiful black and white longhair, and came off a friend's farm as a kitten. My husband got him for me 6 months after my beloved kitty, Max died. Taz keeps things interesting, he's playful, extremely full of life. He's very much a talker, just a very social cat. We got him as a kitten, he's about 4 years old now. Full of personality, he hides away to take naps, then very loudly announces to everyone that he's awake when he returns. He's a whiner. Of course, it's probably my fault, I raised him that way.
Ick is 10 years old this year, and we got him as a kitten, just weaned from his mom. Ick is short for Ichabod Crane, the headless horseman, as he was always getting his head stuck in things as a kitten, nearly losing it on several occasions! Ick has moved three different times with us, and has survived the first 6 years of my son's life! He's the "old man" of the house. He started losing weight about a year and a half ago, and after many, MANY tests, they think he may have lymphoma. He's on medication, and is doing well. His symptoms have subsided somewhat, and he is so far able to live a quality life yet. I hope it continues for a long time yet. He has always been one to get into trouble, and he still continues to do so.
Little Guy is about 8 years old, and he's far from little anymore, he's the "heaviest" kitty we have. He's also "MY" cat. He is our hider, unless he knows people well, no one sees him. You can even tell by the photo...of course I have lots of non-hiding photos too! Little Guy shares my pillow at night, follows me around the house after our son goes to bed (he doesn't even like HIM!) and owns a piece of my heart. Well, all of my animals do, but Little Guy likes to think he owns more. He was a stray, very tiny kitten out wandering around by himself, it took me three days to catch him. But once I did, I think he became the happiest cat on the face of the earth. That's my boy!
Last but not least is Snickers, the keeper of the barn. She's the sweetest cat anyone would ever care to meet, and just as cute too! She keeps the mice in check in the barn, and keeps me company while doing chores, or hanging out on the swing outside. She's just a great cat! I love everything about her! She came from a friend's farm, when my friend moved from the farm, Snickers came to live here. I am very happy to have her, and I think she's more than thrilled to have the entire barn to herself! She seems to like not having to share her space. Update: Snickers passed away on Monday, March 16th, 2009. As you can probably tell by my previous description of her here, I am going to miss her very much.
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