Well, Merlin is maybe closer to pony-sized, I need to measure him to be sure... he's somewhere between 38-40", but I don't care to be technical, really! Someone had posted this adorable little grullo mini gelding on a horse message board I am a member of, they had just bought him and as they should, they were showing him off. I was kidding around, but I posted saying if she ever needed to get rid of him, to let me know. Well, it happened! Apparently he has issues with staying in fencing. Yes, I know how mischevious these little guys can be! Luckily he's in GOAT SAFE fencing, so he's not going anywhere! So.....now he's here! I went and picked him up the day before Thanksgiving, 2007. I never realized just how much Magic was missing out on having a buddy! He's been out with the big

horses, he's been with the goats, with the mini donkeys, but now that he's got
another mini horse to play with, he's happy as can be. These two are best friends, and it's just such a blast watching them play together! Maybe someday I can train Merlin to drive too.....I'll start some groundwork with him this year, he's just 2 this year. But having gotten him in November, it's like Christmas morning now with spring shedding...waiting to see what he's like underneath all that hair! He's a sweetheart! And another great addition to our place!
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