Magic....I had always been facinated by the little minis, and I had been watching the online ads, really for a mini donkey (because I've always loved donkeys!) but would have considered a mini as well. For a possible driving prospect, and I thought it would be fun since I had a young son and thought it would be nice to have a horse his size. I found Magic on Equine.com, he was close by, and he was dirt cheap. I thought he seemed too good to be true, but what the heck, I went to look at him anyway. When I saw him, he was just a sweetheart! A little black mini, mini Friesian, really (Friesians have been my ultimate dream horse for over half my life). He took to my son right away. The following weekend, we came back with the trailer and the asking price of a hundred bucks, and we had our new mini in the trailer! Our big horses didn't know WHAT to think! And Magic seemed to thrive on that excitement. I had planned to drive Magic, but didn't have the equipment for a few years yet, so his favorite job was as a babysitter for the weanlings, a job which he did very well. He

kept them company, played with them, yet kept them in line. I got Magic in 2003, and we did a lot of ground work for driving for years, but wasn't until 2007 that he actually started driving. He picked right up on that. Seems to love it! In fact, Halloween, 2007 he took my son trick-or-treating. Well, my son went house to house, while I sat in the cart! Magic wore little red devil horns on his head....and we all had a blast! My son has a little saddle for him too, although sadly, this year, we've become aware that Alex has grown too big for little 36" Magic. But....he can still love him....and can still ride in the cart! I just love this little horse like crazy! The photos I included here are from our Halloween Trick-or-Treating! Magic is 8 years old this year.
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